We serve individuals and families in Marshall County who are struggling with food insecurity once month or as needed.
Foods Included in a Visit Canned fruits and vegetables, tomatoes, soups, peanut butter macaroni and cheese, pasta and pasta sauce, meal starters like “Hamburger Helper” tuna and chicken, rice, beans, juice, breakfast cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, and bread items
Clients will be given a voucher to get Milk, eggs, margarine and bananas that is good for 7 days
To Register For Services Client will need to bring a photo ID and proof of current address if their address is different than the ID. The photo ID could be a drivers license, passport, school or work ID. A piece of mail, electric bill, insurance statement, etc with their name and address would suffice for current address information. They will be asked to provide full name and birthdates of everyone who lives in the home. Client will be asked to confirm they are below the income guidelines established by the USDA.
Where Our Food Comes From About 40% of the food we have available is provided by the Food Bank of Iowa. We do purchase what we consider, essential items, locally when they are not available from the Food Bank. The remainder is provided in the generous food donations made by individuals, businesses, organizations and churches in our local community. We also have a few Food Rescue agreements in our local community.