How to Donate
Hunger is a daily battle for families affected by a sudden job loss, unforeseen emergency or medical expense. Hunger impacts children, the working poor, the disabled, and also seniors who rely on Social Security as their only source of income.
When you give to theEmergency Food Box, you are helping stock our shelves and put food on the table for families and individuals in Marshalltown and Marshall County who are coping with hunger and food insecurity. The food assistance offered by the Emergency Food box isn’t a permanent cure for hunger, but it can help nourish our neighbors and fellow citizens in need.
When you give to theEmergency Food Box, you are helping stock our shelves and put food on the table for families and individuals in Marshalltown and Marshall County who are coping with hunger and food insecurity. The food assistance offered by the Emergency Food box isn’t a permanent cure for hunger, but it can help nourish our neighbors and fellow citizens in need.
Monetary Donations
Monetary donations help us purchase food from the Food Bank of Iowa for pennies per pound. We also purchase items from local stores and reimburse for the vouchers used. You might consider becoming a monthly donor or a dollar a day donor to show your ongoing support. No matter how much you are able to give, know you are helping feed a hungry family in our community. You can mail a donation or drop off financial donations during open hours. Our goal is to be good stewards of the gifts we are given.
Food Donations
Any food your family would enjoy, is going to be enjoyed by another family who comes to us for assistance! Our community includes families from a wide variety of cultures. Always feel free to reference our list of foods given to every family. We also have a BONUS area that includes a large variety of other choices. Especially useful in that area are condiments, baking items, spices, mixes, coffee/tea, snack items, etc. When possible try to avoid glass containers and check that items are within their best use by dates.